Want a Career With Leo Strauss Stiftung?
twilight war forever.
We can set your dreams free. A lonely guardian against the hordes of
the UnFree. Join now!
Do you
want to destroy people who disagree with your love of Freedom?
We can launch your career in politics today. Learn why
"moderation" is terrorism.
Are you an
anorexic harpy that covertly hates herself?
We will launch your media career now! We will teach you to speak the
language of struggle, war, Darwinism and Freedom.
Let us know what you won't do for Freedom!
We all know that liberty requires the ultimate sacrifice. What will
you do to be a Hero of Freedom?
To help us prepare your ideological education and
the proper role for you in the permanent war for Freedom, Liberty and
Democracy, our Indoctrination Specialists need some basic data.
Clients Are Our Number One Priority. Exoterically speaking
Your war is our concern. Are your efforts at suppressing Enemies of
Freedom frustrated by bad media coverage? Do "liberals" dog your every
crackdown? We can help.
We understand
Is your regime under threat by non-Caucasians? Non-Judeo-Christians?
Our Agitprop Executives are standing by to craft the media campaign you
Tired of Waging War with No Publicity?
Clients who face insurgencies today can transform those efforts
into the Global War on Terrorism with help from Leo Strauss Stiftung.
Reject the UnFree
A mercy today is a cruelty on the future. Moral clarity is
the key to your success and the triumph of Freedom, Liberty and Democracy. |