Leo Strauss Stiftung And Esoteric Freedom
Leo Strauss Stiftung Entdecken Sie die geheime Welt

                        Leo Strauss Stiftung


         Versteckte Bedeutung




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Join The Struggle!

             Arise America
         and Storm Burst Forth! 

Become a Hero of Freedom!  Reject Defeatists and Realists ! Join us in the flames of disaster caused by our Enemies !!

We will wage Total War for Freedom and Peace. Until Victory and the destruction of Defeatists and our Enemies.

Contact us to learn if you are ideologically pure to qualify for an exciting career. We will overcome the Stab in the Back together!


Commit to Freedom!
Stiftung updates from the Bunker


The Leo Strauss Stiftung is a global leader offering militarized solutions in defense of Freedom, Liberty and Democracy.  Since 1936 our clients have benefited from our esoteric commitment to the Athenian ideal. 

It is a dark time for our Empire. Rebels, moderates and independent thinkers ceaselessly attack our noble efforts to remake the American homeland into a bastion of Order, Strength and Obediance.

Only you and your support can help reverse this Stab In The Back. We will fight until 5 past Midnight! We will emerge victorious and smash our Enemies! Join us NOW!

  • Our Award-Winning "Militarized Solutions Now" (tm) product offers immediate results from Low Intensity Conflict to Regime Change.
  • International Cadre Identification and Recruitment.
  • Transforming Societal Consciousness One Mind at a Time.




Our Clients Demand Cutting Edge Militarized Solutions for Political Problems

Learn how clients can avert imminent diplomatic success with our industry leading "Threat Elevation" solution

REMEMBER -- Moderation is Terrorism

Our professionals can insure that clients' commitment to permanent war for Freedom, Liberty and Democracy  will not be undermined by Defeatists and so-called objective rational analysis.


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