Leo Strauss Stiftung Entdecken Sie die geheime Welt
Can anyone put a price tag on Freedom, Liberty and Democracy?  The Leo Strauss Stiftung is proud that our clients reject attempts to hobble bold romantic vision with pre-9/11 rational thinking such as cost/benefit, risk/reward and opportunity costs.   
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Ask About Our Financing Options Today

In the permanent war for Freedom, Liberty and Democracy, deficits don't matter.  Yet some clients may face cash flow constraints. 

We are experts in creative financing such as delayed national resource swaps.  Call today! 

You may pre-qualify for a free Precision Strike Upgrade!


Call today for a confidential assessment of your Freedom, Liberty and Democracy threats and the financing options available under our "Militarized Solutions Now" (tm) product line.

Clients may also qualify for congressionally funded "Liberation Act" subsidies (London or D.C.-based exiles only.  Certain restrictions apply).




Note:  Leo Strauss Stiftung is not responsible for post kinetic activity and assumes no responsibility for costs, actual or claimed.  

A Few Hundred Billion Dollars Lost in the Sands of Time

Leo Strauss Stiftung Agitprop and Practitioner professionals can help clients design a military budget needed for a permanent war.

Our experts have extensive experience in  identifying health, infrastructure, education and other non-productive costs that can be leveraged for defense of Freedom, Liberty and Democracy.


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